Picon Zero is an Intelligent robotics controller for your Raspberry Pi based mobile robot. A built-in processor handles all the direct communication with your input and output devices, leaving you to worry about the overall control with your Raspberry Pi program.
As well as 2 full H-Bridge motor drivers, the Picon Zero has a number of Input and Output pins that can be configured in a variety of ways, allowing you to easily add analog inputs or neopixel outputs to your Raspberry Pi without any complicated software and kernel specific drivers. It also provides an interface for an HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor (not included) and opens up 5 GPIO pins from the Raspberry Pi for you to use as you see fit.
- Compatible with all 40-pin Raspberry Pi variants (3/2/B /A or Zero)
- I2C interface, leaving all GPIO pins free for your own use*
- 2 full H-Bridge motor drivers with full forward/reverse and speed control. Up to 1.5A continuous per channel (2A peak)
- 6 general purpose output channels (5V) that can be set as: Digital, PWM, Servo, WS2812( aka neopixels)
- 4 general purpose inputs (5V) that can be Digital, Analog, DS18B20 (digital temperature sensor)
- All inputs and outputs use 3-pin GVS connectors (Ground, Volts, Signal) - allowing 3-pin sensors, servos, etc. to plug straight in
- Dedicated socket for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. Plug it straight in, or use jumper wires to mount it further away
- 5 GPIO signals, 5V, 3V and Ground brought out to a header
- Power for outputs can be from Raspberry Pi's 5V or from an external USB input line
- Power for motors can be from internal/external 5V, or from a separate power source (3V to 11V)
- Both motor terminals have 2-pin screw connectors AND 2-pin male headers to allow maximum flexibility in connecting
- Python library module making it super-easy to use any of the features
This controller board is supplied fully assembled. No soldering is required.
* 5 of the GPIO pins are available on a female header. To access the others you will need to attach directly to the GPIO pins